Summer is around the corner, and it is not uncommon to want to prolong that holiday feeling and dream of investing in a holiday home which allows you to return to your favourite spot more frequently. Holiday home...
Marrying abroad is very popular. Not only will it ensure a glorious photo backdrop and endless blue sky, but as worldwide travel has become easier, more and more international couples are opting to wed in other...
If you and your children’s other parent are separated, there may be one more thing that you need to pack whilst preparing for your holiday this summer. All those who have Parental Responsibility for a...
If you are a trustee of a trust and the details of the trust have not been reported on HMRC’s Trust Registration Service, you may need to take advice and action before 1 September 2022. HMRC’s Trust Registration...
Whether you are a Love Island fan or not, you may have found yourself unable to escape the recent articles and comments from prominent Women’s and Domestic Abuse Charities raising concerns about the coercive and...
Whilst our MP’s scramble to ascertain what the latest party line is about the most recent government scandal and Ministers are dropping like flies in the name of decency, one might be left wondering how...
We are delighted to announce that Lucy Wright (TEP) has been appointed as a full member of STEP, the global professional association for trust and estate practitioners. Lucy has been approved as a full STEP...
Why Private FDRs must be considered In a time when the cost of living is rising, it is increasingly important that couples choose a process that maximises their chances of a successful early resolution to their...
Even if you have obtained a divorce overseas there are still some cases where you are able to bring a claim in the courts of England and Wales for financial relief. A person may apply under Part III of the...
As the drive towards greater societal enlightenment about menopause gains more traction, the discussion around the challenges that half the population will face at some point in their lives has become more...