When negotiating the terms of your lease for commercial premises, agreeing the rent payable will be a prime concern, but so too should be the prospect of agreeing the rent review provisions, even though this may be a long...
For landlords in the private residential rental sector, having the right to regain control of your property when you need to is a vital power. Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 allows landlords to end an assured shorthold...
Purpose-built student housing is a growth area as many universities renew or increase their housing stock, while demand for more traditional shared student houses remains high. The UK government recently relaxed the limits...
Following recent legislative case studies featured in property news, landlords need to be clear on what they can charge tenants through a service charge and what is classified as an improvement and means they have to pay the...
The Court of Appeal has handed down a judgment which should warn those engaged in legal disputes that the 'loser pays costs' rule in litigation is not a hard and fast one and that if the winner unreasonably refuses to...
The overturning of a High Court decision concerning rent paid for a period after the end of a lease has restored the status quo in such cases – to the relief of landlords. The case concerned a tenant which exercised the...
Often, it takes a dispute over something that is worth a lot of money to produce a judgment that clarifies the law. A recent case, involving a disagreement over a lease that required the tenant to build and maintain a...
Robert Twining, a partner in our Property Dispute Resolution team, discusses forfeiture - peaceable re-entry and how this can be a potential remedy for commercial landlords. In the event of a tenant of commercial premises...