With the emphasis on complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation now shifting to what needs to happen after the regulation comes into force on 25 May 2018, Kevin Sullivan, concludes his two-part...
Much of the publicity surrounding the General Data Protection Regulation has focused on what needs to be done in the run up to 25 May 2018 when the new data protection regime comes into force. However, it is what happens...
The collapse of Carillion proves that no business is immune from the risk of failure and highlights the need to be vigilant when dealing with business customers, irrespective of their size and the length of time you have...
Getting the finance in place to enable a management buyout to proceed can be challenging for the management team. There will be a number of people involved in the decision-making process, all of whom will have differing...
When the General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect on 25 May this year it will impact many businesses. If you are one of them, then your plans to ensure compliance should already be well advanced. However, with...
There have been some significant cases in employment law recently, with further developments expected this year as several ongoing cases work their way through the appeals system. There are also increases to pay rates and...
With reports about differences in pay between high profile men and women seemingly in the news on a daily basis at the moment, there cannot be many people in the UK who have not wondered how their pay compares to colleagues...
As school leavers and graduates compete with an aging population who need or want to work longer, there is an increasing risk to employers of employees bringing claims against them for age discrimination where they believe...
The senior management team are the backbone of every business: they provide the vision, support and safeguarding needed for effective and efficient operation. But if you dream of becoming the boss, do you have what it takes...
If you are thinking about selling your business because you want to retire or move on to pastures new, it may be worth considering whether a sale to your existing management team might be an option. In the first of a...