Once a relationship has broken down, while many couples remain on good terms, sometimes the situation is irretrievable and behaviour can go beyond what is acceptable or legal. In particular, disputes over who gets what in...
Bringing up the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be as daunting as popping the question, perhaps more so as it raises the issue that the marriage might not last. But how should you react if you have been asked to...
If you are contemplating getting divorced then your future financial security is likely to be a key concern, particularly if you gave up or compromised a promising career to look after children and support your spouse in...
20/05/2020 Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has caused seismic changes to all of our lives, including our family life. During the lockdown we have all been required to isolate in our homes, forcing families to spend...
Separated families: Navigating the coronavirus crisis <01/04/2020 Whilst we all get to grips with the brave new world of social distancing and homeschooling, for many families there will be an added concern of how...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the family courts: payment of maintenance 01/04/2020 With daily life altered beyond recognition, businesses having to close their doors and sacrifices being made in respect of income, many...
As a parent, when you separate from your partner your primary concern will undoubtedly be for your children. Aside from supporting them emotionally during this time of transition, you may be worried about how you will be...
Currently, in England and Wales, a married or civil partnered couple can only divorce immediately if one spouse blames the other in legal documentation for the breakdown of their relationship. Otherwise, they have to wait...
Whilst moving in together may provide you with everything you could want from a relationship, what you may not know is that the legal status and rights of unmarried couples differs greatly to that of married...
Going through a divorce, civil partnership dissolution or separating from a partner when you have children to consider can be particularly traumatic for the entire family. Parents will naturally be very concerned about...