In this episode, Gail Hall looks at how we can all prepare for older age. It can be a costly business getting old if you are in declining health. No government for the last decade has had the appetite for getting to...
When we die someone needs to take responsibility for dealing with our affairs, including organising our funeral, settling our debts and passing on gifts of money, property or possessions in accordance with the terms of our...
Bringing up the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be as daunting as popping the question, perhaps more so as it raises the issue that the marriage might not last. But how should you react if you have been asked to...
If you are contemplating getting divorced then your future financial security is likely to be a key concern, particularly if you gave up or compromised a promising career to look after children and support your spouse in...
The coronavirus pandemic has unleashed chaos on the world and left the leisure and hospitality sectors reeling, with the UK lockdown requiring the cancellation of a whole gamut of events including sport, gigs and...
With the coronavirus (Covid-19) still relentlessly wreaking its devastation across the globe, the feeling of helplessness felt by all is as pervasive as it is inevitable. There are though, some things you can do to make you...
With the coronavirus death toll in the media on a daily basis, people are talking about death much more than usual and the subject is losing its taboo. In 2011 the first ‘Death Café’ was held in the UK to provide an...
20/05/2020 Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has caused seismic changes to all of our lives, including our family life. During the lockdown we have all been required to isolate in our homes, forcing families to spend...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs regarding Wills and Powers of attorney 07/04/2020 The continuing effects of coronavirus remain uncertain. Understandably, many people are concerned about its potential impact upon them and...
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Implications for Residential Tenancies 01/04/2020 The government has passed special legislation, namely the Coronavirus Act 2020 (the ‘Act’) in light of the national Coronavirus outbreak. The...