Your relatives and dependents are the most important people in your life and deserve the best legal protection available. This is particularly important if they are elderly or vulnerable through disability, mental illness or...
Whilst moving in together may provide you with everything you could want from a relationship, what you may not know is that the legal status and rights of unmarried couples differs greatly to that of married...
All employers have legal rights and duties in relation to the way they run their business, but these are balanced alongside the legal rights of their employees. Each can expect their rights to be upheld, but the reality is...
Can you take your employer to court? As an employee, you have clear legal rights which you can enforce in the courts if you cannot resolve a dispute directly with your employer. Whether you have been subjected to unlawful...
Everyone should write a Will and update it when life’s circumstances change significantly. Your family and financial circumstances rarely remain the same indefinitely so when a major change happens in your life, it is also...
Employees and workers enjoy significant legal protection against unlawful unfair treatment by their employers and worker rights have been strengthened in recent months, putting you in a stronger position in the workplace...
Buying something and finding it is faulty or damaged can be highly frustrating and inconvenient. Fortunately, consumers have robust legal rights to return or reject a faulty item and demand a refund. The seller’s duty to...
For first time buyers, preparing to buy your first home is exciting but understanding some of the vital laws relating to house buying can help prepare you for navigating the conveyancing process. Jane Bohill, residential...
A well-crafted trust fund can be highly effective in ensuring your children are financially provided for. The benefits of a trust fund for a child have been experienced by families over many centuries and they continue to...
Going through a divorce, civil partnership dissolution or separating from a partner when you have children to consider can be particularly traumatic for the entire family. Parents will naturally be very concerned about...