Getting the best out of employees is one of the biggest challenges faced by managers. What managers can do to manage performance and, if necessary, how to dismiss an employee for poor performance? Poor performance can...
If you are buying a property with someone else, deciding whether you will own it as joint tenants or tenants in common may determine your respective shares in the property. In particular, couples who are not married, or in a...
For landlords in the private residential rental sector, having the right to regain control of your property when you need to is a vital power. Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 allows landlords to end an assured shorthold...
Purpose-built student housing is a growth area as many universities renew or increase their housing stock, while demand for more traditional shared student houses remains high. The UK government recently relaxed the limits...
Warners Solicitors names The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance and The Evelina Children’s Hospital as its Charities of the Year. Warners staff accompanied by The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance crew at...
With a combination of rising house prices and a freeze on the threshold at which estates pay inheritance tax means that many more households fall into the tax net than was once the case. In this article we look at how, with...
One in four people will experience symptoms of mental ill health during their lives. According to the Chief Medical Officer for England, 70 million working days are lost in the UK every year due to stress, depression and...
Warners Solicitors, announces that Philip Raggett has returned to the firm as a partner in its private client team. Philip specialises in tax planning, Wills and trust work. Philip originally joined the firm in 1997, having...
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few”, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, when, seventy-five years ago, the brave airmen of the Royal Air Force defended our skies against the German Luftwaffe during the Battle of...
The new Guide has a wider audience in mind. Damian Green, Minister of State, says in the foreword that the aim has been to make it “as clear and concise as possible for the police, the shooting community and the general...